Tomato Array Element (CGEP) Mapping to Arabidopsis Genes

best Arabidopsis protein hit from comparing 11341 Array Element sequences against April,2003 release of Arabidopsis proteome by TIGR using
  • 1. One-Step Blast : EST directly against Arabidopsis proteome at e-6 cutoff. download
  • 2. Two-Step Blast : find tomato consensus sequences (TC) (evalue < e-6 and match ratio > 50%) then against Arabidopsis protome. download
    GO annotations for any of the Arabidopsis loci can be obtained by uploading a file of the loci names or pasting them in at the GO Annotation Search

  • Identifiers

    Clone ID Arabidopsis Locus ID

    Matched sequences

    Matched Datasets
    Two-Step Blast
    One-Step Blast


    Clone ID
    Query ID
    Arabidopsis Locus ID
    Bit Score
    E Value
    Overlap Percent

    Output Format HTML TEXT